Note: In preparation for an upcoming women's book club and Bible study in my home, I recorded my own personal favorite quotes and selections from the first half of OWN YOUR LIFE, a Christian book by Sally Clarkson, which I highly recommend.
This audio recording was created for my own personal book study (in preparation for teaching a group of women who are going through this book). I decided to upload this recording to help other leaders to also prepare themselves to lead a study through this book. The audio is almost completely (perhaps 98%) exact word-for-word quotes, all in order, read from the first half of the book (from the INTRO through the end of CHAPTER 6) with an exception of a couple brief moments where I summarized a theme of a particular chapter to help understand a given selection.
These selections are simply quotes, highlighted sections and Bible verses, all from OWN YOUR LIFE, that personally stood out to me. (by Ann Dunagan).