In today's episode, Ann Dunagan introduces two new mentoring tools, for personal and group discipleship and mobilization with Mission-Minded Women:
You can get My Mission-Minded Happy Planner on Amazon for as little as $4.99 (for the 40-Day softcover version -- our heart for this version is for small groups or mentoring), up to $14.99 for the 90-Day hardcover version. It is also available in many other countries, including Europe, Australia, Canada, Mexico, and various countries in South America. Currently, we are working to translate the Happy Planner into seven other languages, coming, Lord willing, next year.
Note: In preparation for an upcoming women's book club and Bible study in my home, I recorded my own personal favorite quotes and selections from the first half of OWN YOUR LIFE, a Christian book by Sally Clarkson, which I highly recommend.
This audio recording was created for my own personal book study (in preparation for teaching a group of women who are going through this book). I decided to upload this recording to help other leaders to also prepare themselves to lead a study through this book. The audio is almost completely (perhaps 98%) exact word-for-word quotes, all in order, read from the first half of the book (from the INTRO through the end of CHAPTER 6) with an exception of a couple brief moments where I summarized a theme of a particular chapter to help understand a given selection.
These selections are simply quotes, highlighted sections and Bible verses, all from OWN YOUR LIFE, that personally stood out to me. (by Ann Dunagan).
On today's episode, 21-year-old Mark Dunagan shares about his first "solo" mission trip, sharing the Gospel across the Republic of Ireland.